Stay on your customers’ minds with folded cards that convey a quick message. Use them to thank customers for their business, offer a coupon, create an appointment reminder or mark their place at a panel discussion. Use the inside to list your services and your contact information. A folded card has endless uses in business, and it helps you stand out from the crowd. Bring a stack of folded cards to a trade show, job fair or any event where you want to make a memorable first impression.
Our expert printing ensures your folded cards look sharp and have all the information you want on them. We offer fast, reliable service and high-quality printing on every job.
If you want folded cards that stand out from the rest, let us design them for you. Our talented artists can help you with color choice, layout, logo placement and more. We’ve helped many customers create new corporate logos and new branding. We’d be thrilled to do the same for you. Talk to us about our affordable, all-in-one design and print packages.
16pt C2S Cardstock
80 lb Cover (9pt)
(Not available on all paper or stock)
High Gloss UV
High Gloss UV on ONE SIDE
Gloss Aqueous
Matte Aqueous
We do tons of folded card printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the folded card template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your folded card.
BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")
Using our folded card template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.